Hope Sped understands that we have a social responsibility to our customers, suppliers, employees and society as a whole, when it comes to delivering environmentally conscious transportation solutions.
We aim to achieve our fixed objectives in responsible manner, recognizing the economic , social and environmental impact of our activities.
Our commitment is to conduct business with respect to all legal and moral obligations.
Founded in 2003, Hope Sped provide transport services, integrated logistics, international freight forwarding, express, supply chain solutions, warehouse management and operations.
Starting with 2017 Hope Sped entered the TOP 30 logistics operators from Romania, hereby we reached one of our targets after 15 years of activity.
Our success and efficiency consists in respect and achievement of our commitments cumulated with promptitude, ability and devotion whereby we treat every transport in the interest of our clients. KPI indicators are nearly monitored and the monthly review corrects the possible decrease of committed indexes.

Impeccable, responsible and ethical behavior towards employees, customers, suppliers, business partners, society and the environment is a matter of course for HOPE SPED. This also applies to compliance with all local, national and international laws and requirements. All employees know the rights and obligations relevant to them and respect them.
This statement sets out the general principles of conduct of HOPE SPED. Every employee is obliged to know and respect, in addition to the legal requirements, the prescriptions and rules of conduct and these general principles of conduct.
The way HOPE SPED treats business partners, suppliers, customers and third parties is based on trust and honest behavior.
Human Rights
As a minority owned company, the caring for our employees is one of the company's core values.
Hope Sped sets up comprehensive mechanisms to ensure positive outcome of talent recruitment, respect for human & labor rights, gender equality, safe and healthy working environment for all employees.
The physical and mental health, safety and wellbeing of our workforce at all levels of the organization is a top priority.

HOPE SPED is aware of the importance of natural resources and in the provision of its services constantly pursues the objective of managing resources economically and sustainably.
A sustainable fleet management is part of our strategy to reduce environmental impacts through a combination of cleaner vehicles and fuels, fuel-efficient operation and driving.
Hope Sped is committed to use environmental friendly solutions, to renew the transport capacities periodically with low emission units and to use alternative fuel technologies like Biodiesel, CNG or LNG.
Fleet vehicles are an essential part of the transport system and vital to successful business operations, therefore we adopt new, low emission vehicle technologies and fuels that are most appropriate for individual business need.
Reducing the amount of empty mileage, minimizing fuel consumption, developing solutions to co-load trucks are options to reduce costs as well as greenhouse gas emissions.
Following our projects we observed that in fact, reducing our carbon footprint means in same time, improving the efficiency.
Hope Sped has been working hard on developing such tools and solutions that allow the optimization of transport planning.
Health and Safety Management
Hope Sped is committed to work towards the goal: zero accidents and injuries and general welfare at the workplace. This is governed by internal HSE regulation in order to eliminate all injuries to employees at the workplace. Hope Sped is asking its suppliers to eliminate all injuries to employees in the workplace or in the community and to meet Hope Sped Policy Standards on Health and Safety.
Health and safety are shared responsibilities, although ultimately, Hope Sped, is responsible for the health and safety of his employees.
The management of Hope Sped will ensure that the conditions are in compliance with health and safety legislation, documented, shared, implemented and maintained and that it incorporates industry best practices and uses audits to measure performances for improvement.
Hope Sped employees will participate at training pertaining to health and safety, integrate health and safety practices into their daily activities and fulfill the applicable requirements of the HSMS. Employees are also required to take reasonable care to protect their own health and safety and that of other persons at or near the workplace.
Prohibition of corruption
HOPE SPED rejects any form of corruption in the way it works with business partners or officials.
Our business relationship with customers and business partners must be based only on objective criteria, especially on sustainable quality, trust, competitive prices and
compliance with environmental and social standards.
HOPE SPED employees are not allowed to offer or grant customers, business partners or with officials any benefits (eg gifts, money, services, etc.) to influence their decision-making. HOPE SPED employees are also prohibited from requesting or accepting such benefits in connection he initiation, assignment or execution of an order.
Child labor and forced labor
HOPE SPED does not tolerate child labor or forced labor. Child labor refers to employed persons who are younger than the minimum age required for employment according to the legal provisions.
If employees notice the use of child labor or forced labor in a direct or indirect connection (for example, to a provider), this must be reported to HOPE SPED management without delay.
Substance Abuse
We endorse a zero alcohol and drug policy – our drivers are not allowed to possess, use or transport alcoholic beverages or drugs while working or resting.
Random alcohol checks are conducted by our security manager and an external security firm weekly.
During last two years more than fifty random tests have been conducted, and as a result two contracts were terminated due to violation of our alcohol and drug policy.
As a responsible transport and logistics company, it is our duty
to provide a top security management to mitigate these risks
without disruption or harm to our customers and their businesses.
Hope Sped’s AEO certificate is a stamp that guarantees security
and safety throughout the process, from the moment of loading
until unloading, including selection of the supplier and the customs
clearing agent.
We treat the confidential and personal data of employees as well
as business partners, customers or other circles of people in an
absolutely confidential manner. The data of our employees, business partners, clients are registered, processed and used within what is legally and contractually allowed. The further transmission of data to third parties, which is not covered by legal or contractual provisions, is not allowed.
Ethics & Sustainable Procurement
Hope Sped is committed to implementing business practices fair, ethical and transparent.
Hope Sped maintains due diligence to comply with this commitment and asks its suppliers to maintain and to apply a company policy for adherence to ethical business practices, according the principles of Hope Sped.
We aim to provide sustainable transport and logistic services. To achieve this goal, we will work with our suppliers and customers to:
-Provide efficient procedures to support our corporate social responsibility
-Develops solutions aligned with needs and expectations customers, regulations and broad needs of the parties involved / interest holders
-Create long-term value and reduce business risk for customers, carriers, and stakeholders
We will achieve these goals by setting standards responsible supply through collaboration, innovation and integration responsible sourcing in our business processes
The Corporate Social Responsibility is an integral part of Hope Sped's
management in relation to his partners, the responsible sourcing
procedures and daily operations. Hope Sped is committed to comply
with customer requirements and compliance of suppliers with the
requirements of the CSR. Monitoring may take the form of
self-assessments and follow-up remediation plans.
Hope Sped will work with its customers, partners and suppliers to
solve the shortcomings identified. Hope Sped reserves the right
to dissociate itself and renounce to suppliers who do not meet the
requirements of this CSR or who cannot provide or cannot engage an improvement plan.
Hope Sped will periodically review the CSR and its program implementation with regard to its applicability and efficiency