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Human Rights and Working Conditions

1. Purpose and objective

The following principles of working conditions and human rights are based on values and the personnel policy principles of Hope Sped SRL, set out in the Code of Conduct, and completes or specifies them, taking into account the relevant regulations for labor relations and Human Rights.

2. Principles

HOPE SPED is committed to creating and maintaining working conditions with respect to especially the following principles:

a. Prohibition of discrimination in work and profession
The management of HOPE SPED, as well as all employees are required not to exercise and to prohibits any discrimination in relation to employment relationships concern HOPE SPED. HOPE SPED aims to eliminate discrimination in employment and occupation through promoting equal opportunities and treatment.
Any different, exclusive or preferential treatment is considered discrimination in particular applied on the grounds of skin color, sex, religious belief, political opinions, origin national or social origin and leading to the cancellation or impairment of equal opportunities or treatment at work or profession.

b. Prohibition of slavery and trafficking in human beings
The management of HOPE SPED, as well as all employees, unreservedly undertakes to comply prohibition of slavery and trafficking in human beings within the meaning of the Universal Declaration of Human rights, according to which no one can be held in slavery or servitude, and slavery and trafficking in human beings in all forms are prohibited.

c. Prohibition of child labor
HOPE SPED management, as well as all employees with responsibilities in the field of personnel have the obligation to ensure that the minimum age of employment contracts with companies of HOPE SPED is not less than the age at which the education ends mandatory and that in any case it is not less than 18 years.

This regulation does not apply to work performed by children and adolescents in high school theoretical, vocational or technical schools or in other educational institutions or by persons who are at least 18 years old in enterprises, provided that such work is a integral component of:
• training or vocational training courses, for which the responsibility the principal is a school or vocational training institution,
• a recognized vocational training program which is mainly carried out or exclusively in one enterprise,
• a counseling or career guidance program that aims to facilitate choosing a profession or training course.

3. Ensuring a lasting observance of these principles
a. Management of the concern
The management of HOPE SPED is required to guarantee the observance of the principles with on working conditions and human rights, through appropriate measures in the framework of its area of responsibility.

b. Companies providing services for HOPE SPED
HOPE SPED expects that the suppliers, subcontractors and their employees, as well as the other contractual partners to respect the principles regarding the conditions of labor and human rights.
HOPE SPED employees involved in awarding contracts are required to bring these principles to the attention of business partners within the contract award process. If violations of their principles are found in the companies in the chain suppliers, the management of HOPE SPED will impose sanctions on the respective companies which may go until the contract is canceled.

c. Anonymous information system
Both HOPE SPED employees and employees of supply chain companies have it available, within an anonymous information system, external certified mediator, internal mediator or regional mediators at the level of the whole concern, to whom indications of violations of these principles may be communicated. Clues with on possible violations will be checked confidentially by mediators, and how subsequent action will be decided in agreement with the top competent management.

d. Internal control of the concern
The "Control" department of the concern is responsible for verifying whether the principles and correctness of the actions and processes in an organizational unit of the concern are checked and these principles are taken into account.

4. Sanctions in case of violation
In case of violations of these principles, the necessary organizational and legal measures will be taken, in order to react adequately to the contraventions found and to avoid them in the future in a sustainable way


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